Our Pastor is Rick Holeman, he has served at Cotton Flat since 2003. Before come to be the Pastor at Cotton Flat Rick served as Youth Minister and Music Minister at various other churches in Texas. Rick and his wife Cylena are native west texans. Cylena is a school teacher with Midland ISD, together they have one daughter McCartney who is a recent college graduate and plans to attend PA school as the next step in her education.
Kendle Edwards has served as the administrative assistant at Cotton Flat for the past two years. She is married to Bob, and has three grown Children Brittney, Cody, and Shayna, and she has six grandchildren who are the joy of her life. Kendle sings with the church praise team, and leads music for VBS every year.
Church Custodial Engineer
Tasha Riddle
(432)684-7562Tasha Riddle has served the church as Custodial Engineer for the past two years. She is married to Larry, and together they have three daughters Kathryn, Kori, and Kieran. Tasha also has one grandson and another grandchild on the way. Tasha sings on the church praise team, and is currently leading our youth program.